Friday, September 21, 2007

Something Brewing and "Marge, Back On Track"

This week I'm launching the new website for my monthly Something Brewing newsletter and announcing the release of my newest novel, "Marge, Back On Track."
Marge is the second of the series about contemporary women at retirement as they find their own paths to move forward. For more information, visit my website at
Until now the full Something Brewing newsletter has only been available in print so this is a big leap forward. Drop by and take a look.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Shortcuts Aren't The Whole Answer-- Reality Check
One of those little fill in articles in a national newspaper caught my attention on an afternoon away from the computer. The subject of the piece was text messaging between teen age and tween age students and how it is carrying over into classroom work. The point of discussion was that the simple sentences and phrases of the shortcut text don't let the message sender express the deeper thoughts they will need on the job or in college.

My interest didn't focus on agreement or disagreement. I zeroed in on the list of meanings for the texts I seem to get in e mail messages, even from fellow authors.

What a wake up call. The simple LOL I thought meant Lots of Love, that left me feeling warm and fuzzy, really means Laugh Out Loud. I guess I have a few messages I'll review and maybe take off my good friends list.